with Rose Siobhan Esteva de la Torre


Gold star


For the spiritually rooted and discerning leader who is ready for new levels of power, clarity in your identity, and successful scaling of your mission-driven work with deeply skillful support.

Rose Esteva de la Torre laying in bed with gold stars


  • You’re tired of seeing all these other people pass you by in their business and their confidence, especially knowing how skilled you are. You are MEANT for that! You know it! So how long are you going to have to wait to own your place among the leaders of your industry? 

  • You’re tired of investing high level money, and feeling really underwhelmed with where it’s getting you. Temporary highs, models relying on hitting that dopamine button over and over, without providing meaningful and sustainable transformations. 

  • You’re tired of being told you’ll be taught to do it “your way” and then are given some simple cookie cutter fluff that a 5 year old could have googled. 

  • You’re tired of business guidance that has no foundation in spiritual work, so most of what they’re teaching just doesn’t apply to you. Explaining why you have to do things differently is…painful. Like trying to explain to someone who has never seen the sky what the color blue is. (Crying and moving on). 

  • You’re seriously fucking over the trend of being “trauma-informed” in outward messaging, when some folks then pull inappropriate shit in how they do business behind the scenes and work with you. You’ve seen behind the curtain, and you’re not a fan of the double speak that’s going on. And beyond that, is it pointless to dream that a mentor is both trauma-informed AND empowerment based? Who can hold some actual nuance, and not completely infantilize folks who have had trauma? Pass the binoculars. 

  • Also…22 year old life coaches who have never had another job or cared for even a goldfish? Yeaaaaaah, no shade to those who need that particular magic (we all have our own juice!), but you desire maturity and life experience that helps you know your shit will be held, will be understood. 

  • You’re just not a basic bitch. No matter how hard you try, or want that shit to work for you, or like to pretend that you are. You’re not. And you’re not a baby in transformational work, either.




green moon

You want high level support that helps you strategically flow between addressing mindset, addressing strategy, and addressing energy & spirit, so that you can put your energy where it’s needed, and have more left for inspiring your people, and living that dreamy life that’s always tugging at your heart, whispering to you to “go, chase that sunrise…”

You are ready to shine in your expertise like the absolute badass you are. You need nuance, someone who holds complexity, and can help you uncover and refine your thought leadership, messaging, offers, and niche from empowered decisions about who you ARE, because that’s what will bring in the dream clients, the aligned pricing, the no-brainer offers, the body of work that is waiting to be birthed through you. 

You’re ready for someone who has high level skills for supporting your work with clients, not just through modeling them with you (although that helps), but also through consulting on client dynamics and situations. Because you know ongoing supervision is part of what develops expertise, and also keeps your waitlist and referrals full. 

You want to know you can bring it all, and nothing is going to scare your mentor. You want someone who has held peoples’ hands through the darkest of human experiences, and has cheered people on until delusional dreams became reality. Because you deserve to be held by someone who welcomes all of you, and then see how powerful you will become with your clients, in your mission-driven work, and as an example of what it looks like when a human learns how to truly own all that they are. 

You know you need a power witch in your corner to help you believe and succeed at pulling off the miracles of mindset, courage, and energetics that cause people to stand out in a crowd of millions. You are ready to BE BIG FOR YOUR PEOPLE and PURPOSE, and also to become deeply resourced (financially and otherwise) for the sake of the dreams you are definitely NOT going to put off until some future retirement. 

You are weaving a business that is deeply rooted in your spiritual path, the work you were put on earth to do. And you are ready for a biz mentor who can understand that, and support you in it. Someone with some spiritual JUICE of their own, and TRAINING. Knowing that you can show up to your biz coaching and talk about your animal alliances, the lessons you learned when you talked to rocks over the weekend, and how your dead great grandmother showed up in your meditation and told you to invest in crypto? Priceless. 

You’re interested in living a full and gorgeous life NOW, along the way. The high contrast adventure experiences of high thread count sheets, and snowy mountain peaks...of fine dining, and staying in the most rugged and remote jungle lodges…of having the most decadent honey facial, and having your skin brushed up against by the passing wing of a giant manta ray. You need someone who has gone there first, and has walked others into wide living, no matter what background they were coming from.

Rose Esteva de la Torre holding apple


I’m Rose, identity coach, spiritually rooted business mentor, creative, and modern mystic.

I have worked with thousands of people of all ages and identities to connect to their own truths and clear out the static that can block the authentic transmission of your life’s work. 

My work and adventures have taken me to multiple countries and cultural contexts, I am naturally talented and trained in multiple esoteric teachings, I hold a degree in clinical social work, and I am a lifelong creative in multiple mediums. 

Many have told me that if they had to go to battle, they wouldn’t pick anyone else to be by their side.

And yet, I used to feel I didn’t know who I was, lost in others’ demands and projections. People told me that I was confident, strong-willed, spiritual, creative, adventurous…but years of dysfunction had left me an expert at abandoning parts of myself, feeling internally collapsed, or disconnected from my body completely. And you bet your ass this showed up in how I built my business. Listening to guidance that wasn’t meant for me, surrendering my power because I didn’t know how to claim it in an area I didn’t feel confident in. Not understanding how to own and package my brilliance and thought leadership. Leaving my spirituality compartmentalized away from all things work. 


The shifts in identity that I have learned to facilitate in myself and others created a radical turning point in my own leadership, and also my income. These shifts allowed me to leave a career where I was underpaid and burnt out, and subsequently surpass the monthly income I would have made if I stayed in that job for 10 more years! They have allowed me to create a business that is location independent, and then move to Hawaii with my partner. They have made it possible to integrate all of my magic, rather than artificially niching into something limited, boring, and exhausting, which inadequately serves my people.

This is the culmination of overcoming ALL the challenges I experienced, which prepared and motivated me to do the powerful work that I now guide my clients through. To help you own all your parts and claim your magic, making you so unfuckwithable that your confidence and magnetism radiates like a beacon. And from THERE, to align with your dream clients, to create the structure, to refine the messaging and offers. To stop recreating the same shitty dynamics you fled, and finally own and be radically responsible for creating a wild, gorgeous business, and life, while changing the world with your medicine.

Live bi Design in white shirt sitting down
Rose holding pillow sitting down


  • You are ready for identity-level shifts. 

  • You are ready to laugh all the way to the bank as you lovingly flip the bird to the naysayers who were warning you against your dreams from their own fear of disappointment.

  • You are ready to be a highly-skilled, well-respected, high integrity leader & entrepreneur, who others look to while wondering what magic elixir you’ve been drinking to be shining so bright, and kicking so much butt. 

  • You are ready to surprise yourself, over and over. 

  • You are just fucking READY.

  • The world has been waiting for your medicine.  

  • This work, of being an entrepreneur, will bring up ALL the healing that remains unresolved, and it’s in that work that your most potent medicine will come forth. 

  • All your parts coming together, no longer being repressed, coming out to be owned.



And there are a few key foundational areas that we will return to over and over to ground you into the next level version of yourself that you don’t even believe exists yet:


Everything we do flows from who we believe ourselves to be, and how we decide that we have value. And who we believe ourselves to be has been so corrupted by conditioning, that this is at the core of the work I do with clients, whether we are addressing the practical and strategic, or the wide, deep, and esoteric. 


This is a specific lens on empowerment, that has resulted in THE most powerful shifts for all my clients, after years of seeing what tends to reinforce disempowering narratives, and what creates liberation. 


This is about all of our parts working together, with no shadowy or shiny parts left behind or abandoned. It is about doing the inner work that allows you to build a business that reflects the healing and integration of your identity, rather than being built on the wounding. You are healing your lineage.  


Are you doing the work you were put here to do? Are you having the experiences you know you need to have before you die? This is about honoring self AND honoring others. And it is essential to integrate it along the way, in incremental shifts, with that balance in mind. None of us know how long we are here for, and I support clients in orienting to their true north. 


My people know that they need to be rooted. This work you are doing, on yourself, on your business, with your people…it’s all part of the same great masterwork of transformation and spiritual evolution. We are living through a crucial time, and many more of us are recognizing the need to weave our spiritual practice into our work, to walk it and live it, and embody it throughout every area, and it holds every single session and container we step into. 

Rose from Live bi Design posing in bed with feather coat


  • Imagine feeling so unfuckwithable. Not from a place of hardness and closing yourself off from the world, but from a level of radical self-ownership that is deep, rooted, powerful, unwavering. You are no longer losing all your power to internal battles…you feel the alignment between your conscious desires and the outcomes you’re experiencing because your subconscious is on board. 

  • You know your shadows, and you love them, which means that they can’t be used as weapons against you. Let people challenge your leadership or post thinly veiled criticisms of your work. You dance it out, laugh, and move on. 

  • You have plugged the energy leaks, and that means no more freaking out over bad reviews, no more losing hours or days to processing when a client is triggered in response to something you did. You trust in your expertise, you trust that who you are is perfect, and enough, and you separate your value from the money that you are paid. You know you have innate value. And you get paid GOOD money. 

  • You have identified what structures, practices, messaging, and offers in your business were coming from dysfunctional and unsustainable habits of being. And you have rooted them out, and planted a gorgeous, sustainable, unique, and vitalizing business in their place. Recurring revenue, work that gives YOU energy along with serving your people, offers that are a reflection of your unique genius and essence level work in the world…

  • You are living the life of your dreams. Not someday. Today. You are deeply in touch with the experiences that bring you to LIFE. You touch the world, and in turn it reaches in and touches the deepest parts of you back. 

  • It takes TIME. But slowly, and other times all at once, you realize you’re a different person. Like all those cells that were slowly changing places, dying off and being reborn, finally replaced all the old parts of you, and you woke up one day to feel DIFFERENT

  • You stepped out of our container and no longer question your leadership, your medicine, your intuition. 

This is what I envision for you. And no matter how long we walk together, I know we will get farther along this path.

Rose Esteva de la Torre biting apple
gold star


6 Month & 12 Month 1-1 packages include:

  • 3 x 60 min sessions per month via Zoom

  • Voxer support in between sessions

  • Shared Trello board for tracking projects, practices, and notes

  • Access to live group programs during container (Altar Ego or Secret Sauce)

  • 50% off UNDIVIDED Mastermind

*6 month pay in full option includes a 3 hour intensive, either in-person on the island of Hawaii, or held virtually

*12 month pay in full option includes 2 x 3 hour intensives, either in-person on the island of Hawaii, or held virtually (must take place on separate days as opposed to being combined into one long session)


What's it gonna cost me?

6 months






12 months



12 months




*Note: No bookings will be accepted for 1-1 containers without a live Zoom session to connect, explore the possibilities together, and see if we’re a good fit.



  • There’s no one-size fits all answer to this. Your readiness for 1-1 depends more on your commitment to showing up, than it does on exactly what stage you are at in business. Are you struggling to show up, and expecting 1-1 to drag you kicking and screaming to the work? Probably not a good fit. Are you ready to dive in full steam ahead with a powerful mentor in your pocket, guiding you from day 1? Then it may still be a good fit for you. I highly recommend booking a Zoom session here so we can talk through whether this is the right timing for you, and a good fit for my work.

  • Although I am a systems thinker and work with my clients to develop systems that work for them (and to hire others to help them), I do not generally work with clients ONLY on backend systems. Empowerment and deeper identity changes WILL come up in this work, so it is recommended that you check in to see whether that intention is aligned with your goals. If you’re not sure how they connect, let’s hop on Zoom and chat by going here.

  • As of this time I do not offer any other 1-1 packages that have less sessions per month. This is an intentional decision to work with people who are ready to use the momentum and consistency of this container design to have the best outcomes, and this has come from trial and error with clients over the years. However, there are other ways to work with me that might be a better fit, such as Undivided Mastermind, or one of my group programs like Altar Ego or Secret Sauce. Sign up for the mailing list, as new and short-term offerings are released on a regular basis!

  • No, I cannot. And most of the guarantees that I’ve seen out there are set up in such a way that they are nearly impossible to hold businesses accountable to you making a certain dollar amount or ROI (there are a few limited exceptions). Because specific results are not guaranteed. However, what I have seen consistently happen for my clients is a level of embodiment of their power, their medicine, their magic, that does tend to result in more sales, more aligned clients, new offers, and a distillation of their leadership. Over time, this means more money. But the timing is not exact.

  • My policy is to not offer refunds, even if coaching services haven’t been delivered. In some circumstances, I may make exceptions, but you should enter this work with the understanding that there are no guarantees. I will be fully committed to supporting you towards your goals and your commitment to follow through is a part of the initiation of what you are stepping into.